Good Night Sleep Tight Don'T Let The Bed Bugs Bite

As soon as I invested in my dream home, my friends started coming out of the woodwork to explain how I could make the space more beautiful. Fortunately, one of my friends is an interior designer, and she helped me to learn a few different techniques for improving the aesthetics of my home. It was incredible to work with her to find out all about the different decor trends, and I was able to find a few designs that really worked with my lifestyle. This blog is all about understanding and applying basic home decoration techniques so that your home can be more beautiful than ever before.

Good Night Sleep Tight Don'T Let The Bed Bugs Bite

22 July 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you ever told your children the rhyme "good night sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" before they went to sleep, you likely didn't think you would have actual bed bugs. If your child is waking up with bites on their legs, then this nursery rhyme may be coming true. Below is some information about bed bugs so you can get them out of your child's bed.

What They Look Like

Bed bugs hide during the day, which is why you generally get bit at night while sleeping. Bed bugs cannot fly because they do not have wings. Adults are brown but their body turns red after they get done feasting. Adults are 4 to 5 mm so you can see them if you can catch them at the right time. You cannot see the babies, known as nymphs, as they are very tiny.

Where They Like to Hide

During the day, bed bugs like to hide in any type of crevice, such as in the stitching around a mattress. They also like to hide in box springs, dressers, and night stands.  They will often hide in carpeting, behind electrical outlets, and in pillows.

How to Know if You Have Bed Bugs

To be completely sure that you have bed bugs you have to see one. Because you may not ever actually see one there is an interception device that you can use to catch them. You can purchase this device most places that sell pesticides or online.

Place the device next to one of the legs on your child's bed. The bed bugs will get trapped in the device as they travel to and from their hiding places. Leave the device in place for two to three weeks to give it time to catch them.

There are also active monitors, which are traps. Chemicals that will attract bed bugs are placed in the trap to lure the bed bugs to it. This is very effective, but will likely be more expensive than an interception device.

Pest Control

If you find that you have bed bugs or just think that you do, contact a pest control company like Ace Walco & Sons Termite & Pest Control immediately before your home becomes infested with them. Pest control companies have stronger chemicals they use to kill insects. They may have to come back a few times to ensure the bed bugs are completely gone. The pest control specialists will likely spray your entire house in case the bed bugs have traveled from your child's room.

About Me
Understanding Home Decoration Trends

As soon as I invested in my dream home, my friends started coming out of the woodwork to explain how I could make the space more beautiful. Fortunately, one of my friends is an interior designer, and she helped me to learn a few different techniques for improving the aesthetics of my home. It was incredible to work with her to find out all about the different decor trends, and I was able to find a few designs that really worked with my lifestyle. This blog is all about understanding and applying basic home decoration techniques so that your home can be more beautiful than ever before.
